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Continued learning when your school is closed

— 25 April, 2020
Continue learning when your school is closed infographics

Schools are being closed down indefinitely to stem the current pandemic from spreading. This has been in effect for over 100 countries across the world affecting almost 1 billion children. Parents are feeling the pressure knowing that their kids are not able to keep up with the education. Navigating homeschooling is no easy task. Alternative options for continuing to learn when the schools are closed will help their kids to attain optimum education without any disruptions. These options will ensure that students are ready to continue with the next level when the schools do reopen.

How can you continue learning when your school is closed?

LearnTeachWorld ensures continued learning and make it even more exciting. Here’s how learning can be continued even when the school shuts down.

Take FREE online classes customized to your curriculum

LearnTeachWorld is a community that transcends the borders of the globe where teachers and students help one another in learning. It is also a place supported by a strong network of peer students and teachers who collaborate and acquire knowledge through interactive learning. Students can use LearnTeachWorld to access free online classes delivered by experts to gain a deep understanding of Science, Maths, English, and Technology subjects and specific topics that were/would have been covered in their school year. The tutors are equipped to provide what's best - and the students can also join their classes or do a follow up on any topics taught.

Join a study group

You can also join a study group where it is strengthened by the presence of an extensive network of teachers and students. You can discuss a subject or a topic to get a broader understanding of the topics or subjects concerned. You can get printable worksheets and make use of the resources available in LearnTeachWorld. If you feel stranded on a topic, you can post them, and get them answered by other students or teachers in the study groups.

Creative and strategic assessment through the practice test

There are online exams for school students with sample question papers from previous years for you to solve. With LearnTeachWorld you can take online examinations and get them cross-checked and assessed by experienced teachers. Unlike the rigidity offered in conventional education hubs, LearnTeachWorld will help students venture out and strengthen their creative skills through strategic thinking. With the creative worksheets and free online practice tests uploaded by tutors, the same can be used by students to further their assessment. This also creates a sense of autonomy that leads you to work on areas that require more attention.

Ask questions and get solutions from teachers or peers

The world of education is changing and so should you. There have been studies conducted that are tracking the way technology is replacing face-to-face teaching. This new way of learning removes some of the limitations of face to face learning and helps you in retaining the knowledge you need. LeanTeachWorld, as a platform, is removing some of these limitations e.g. 24/7 access to teachers and study groups. All you have to do is ask and the network of peers and teachers around the world will answer.

Learn at your own pace but keep a structured schedule

With the boundaries between personal and educational life blurring, schedules are losing their rigidity. With LearnTeachWorld, you can always learn at your convenience. With flexibility in terms of learning methods, it is important to retain a structure in your schedule. Create a roster and schedule with subjects and areas you'd like to work on. It should not be too monotonous to follow and must also align with your other responsibilities.


Our Schools are still a central knowledge delivery and learning systems. LearnTeachWorld complements schools and allows students to learn at their own pace. When schools are closed LearnTeachWorld can assume a primary role in your child's education to ensure education continues and is enjoyable.